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Trogir, Kaštela, and Split

Pascale and I are now about five weeks into our camping trip, and we've made it to southern Croatia. We arrived about three days ago, and we set up our tent on an island near Trogir (a beautiful town). Our days have been spent browsing art fairs, trying fresh fruits at local markets, and exploring villages along the coast. We're currently in Kaštela, which is an agglomeration of settlements across from Split, the main city in the region. I've been able to find internet at a local hostel, but I don't have much time before I bike back to Trogir with my host-mother; so, here are some photos from these last few days!

These are what the markets are like in the villages, where we've been getting our food:

These are some of the views we've encountered while hiking along the Adriatic coast:

Here's me after swimming in the sea (with my copy of Nichomachean Ethics, of course, which has surprisingly survived this journey), and the second photo is of my bicycle (finally light without the tent, sleeping bag, clothes, and everything else that I usually carry):

And, just for fun, here's a dalmation I spotted yesterday in the city! Dalmatians are originally from the region in Croatia where I am now, called Dalmatia:

I don't have much time left with internet, so I'll have to wrap up this post. For the time being, Pascale and I are staying in Croatia for a couple of days before returning to France. (We're currently considering continuing on south to Albania, although we probably won't have the time.) I have to return to the US next month, so I'm hoping to have some time back in the village to say all of my goodbyes and pack up my belongings. I don't expect to find internet again until I'm back in France, so this is my update for now!


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