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Theatre in Marseille

My host-mom Gabrielle used to be an actress. Although my host-parents are currently cheese-makers, my host-mom worked in theatre and my host-dad Sébastien was a pilot in the French Air Force. My host-mom likes to take me and my little host-sister Jeanne to shows at the theatre every month. Usually we go see a play once a month, but we also go to concerts, go out to see movies, etc.

We recently went to a production by La Comédie Française, a well-known theatre troupe, in Marseille. I went with my host-dad and Jeanne to Marseille in the evening. My host-dad hates cities, and was miserable driving in the city. He lives in the mountains with his goats, where he's happy. We had problems in traffic and had to run to the theatre to make it in time for the show.

We watched Les Fourberies de Scapin, a comedy by Molière, one of the most famous playwrights in France and in the world. (Random fact: I have the same birthday as Molière and Martin Luther King Jr.) Anyway, I sat with Jeanne in the front of the theatre. The play was great, the actors were really good, and I was able to understand the plot and jokes with my limited French.

After the show my host-dad, Jeanne, and I walked around the city. Marseille is the second biggest city in France and it's on the Southern coast, by the Mediterranean. The center of the city is the main port, with all the boats. It's almost like a tradition within my host-family to pack goat-cheese sandwiches to eat when we go out to plays or concerts. Jeanne loves going out to the theatre or cinema mostly because we get to take sandwiches to eat. We always stop at a bakery to pick up baguettes before going to a play, and we just bring cheese in our backpacks. We walked around the port while eating our sandwiches, and headed back home after.



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