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I went to Aix yesterday with my French friends from school: Eden, Enza, Jade, and Orianne. Eden was the girl in my class who volunteered to eat with me on the first day of school, and is now my best friend here. Eden and I both live in Lauris, and we took the bus to Aix at the same time in the morning.

The bus schedule is really hard to understand because there are different times listed on the internet, on the bus stop sign, and for the bus driver. It's always unreliable so we have to arrive early, and usually end up waiting until the bus actually shows up. Eden and I missed the bus (which came too early) and we walked around the farmer's market for an hour until the next bus.

In Aix we met up with the others who live in Pertuis. Some of us got a slice of pizza for lunch, and we went to another restaurant after for lunch. I chose to buy a slice of pizza and not eat at the restaurant. In Aix there are always small pizza shops on the side of the street that sell pizza for two euros. It's cheaper than buying food at a restaurant and it tastes really good.

We went to some stores and thrift shops after. My friends bought a couple things at the thrift store and the store employees were getting annoyed after we tried on all their sunglasses. I got a sweater downtown, and we found another one of our classmates, Sallia, at H&M. I got some ice cream and Enza got a smoothie and we went back to the Cours Mirabeau, the main street in Aix.

My host-mom recommended a boulangerie in Aix that we should visit called Béchard. We eventually found it in a small alley off the main street, but it was too crowded for us to buy anything. Apparently it's one of the oldest bakeries in Aix. We looked around, then went on to other stores. Sallia had to leave because we just found her in Aix, without plans beforehand and it was just the five of us.

We started walking towards the bus station in the evening. We were a little early and decided to stop by one of the buildings to sit down. Jade bought some flan at a café and we just sat on the side of the building until our buses came. I took the same bus as Eden again, but there was an error on the screen and we had gotten on the wrong bus. At the last stop, the bus driver told us to get off. We asked him why he didn't stop in our town, and he told us we were on the wrong bus. We were in a town called Lambesc, half an hour from our town. We bought a baguette and waited on the side of the road until Eden's mom came and got us.



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