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Avignon with Rubia

I went to Avignon with my Brazilian friend Rubia for the day, after I had the picnic with my host-family. Rubia's host-family had plans to go to Avignon for a family reunion, and her host-mom offered to take me and drop us off in Avignon. This way, we would be able to visit the city while her host-family goes to their reunion. Avignon was about a two-hour drive from Lauris and it's one of my favorite cities in France.

When we got to Avignon, Rubia and I walked around to find something to eat and something to drink. She stopped at McDonald's for a late lunch. (Every time we exchange students go out to hang out we end up getting some fast food because our French host-families are so healthy.) In France they call McDonald's "McDo" and all of the stores here have giant touchscreens and all electronic ordering. I shared a couple of her fries but mainly just went to use their free wifi. Later I got a raspberry milkshake downtown.

The Palais des Papes in Avignon is a huge tourist attraction because it's one of the most known medieval Gothic buildings in Europe. While Rubia and I were walking around the city, we went on her phone to search for places to visit within Avignon. We saw that there was a palace and when we actually got to it, we were surprised by how large it was. It's one of the prettiest places I've been to here and it was amazing.

We stayed in front of the palace until sunset. There were musicians in the square and teenagers skating around. There was also some kind of event going on in the city with a bunch of runways and fashion shows in the streets. I saw a woman wearing a dress made entirely of bread. Avignon is my favorite city I've been to so far here in France. After sunset we went back to walking around the city.

We went to visit the Cathedral where I met a couple of American tourists. Rubia also spotted a Brazilian and she was really happy to be able to speak Portuguese. We stopped by L'Occitane to try perfumes, bought ice cream, and looked at the art market on the main street. I also bought an entire bottle of orange juice at the supermarket because it as cheaper than all the drinks they sold at the cafés.

We ended up forgetting to eat dinner and at night we went to wait by the bus station to meet Rubia's host-family to get back to our towns. I live in Lauris and she lives in Mirabeau, but we go to the same high school in Pertuis. Rubia and I both want to visit as many places as we can on our exchanges are we're currently planning our trip to visit Cannes, Nice, and Monaco which should also be super fun.



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